08/24/2012 - Blue Lunar Quartet Rehearsal 12

Blue Lunar Quartet - Ben's Apartment on Trailwood

In-page player not available. You can still download the files individually or as a ZIP file, however.

We didn't get through that many tunes this evening, but we did play some really good stuff when we played. It should also be known for the record that this evening Crater was having serious digestive problems and Chad was missing one of his legs. Note that these tracks have gone through a few revisions because it seems hard to get the mix right.

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Production Staff

Ben Smith - Engineer, Producer


  1. Jeannine
  2. 7 mbmp3 file  
  3. 44-1-1
  4. 7 mbmp3 file  
  5. 44-1-2
  6. 10 mbmp3 file  
  7. Red Circus Tape
  8. 1 mbmp3 file  
  9. Red Tape
  10. 7 mbmp3 file