12/07/2012 - Blue Lunar Quartet Rehearsal 18

Blue Lunar Quartet - Ben's Apartment on Trailwood

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It was very difficult, but we successfully got everyone in the same room to play through some tunes. We spent a lot of time trying out new mic placements since we wanted to put Andy's sound through Ben's new PA. In the end we played a really awesome take of Peace, by Reese Richardson and played through Hottentot twice. The latter probably needs some more work. We also still seem to be having trouble with Mic Clock Synchronization, but I'm working that out.

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Production Staff

Ben Smith - Producer, Engineer


  1. Peace
  2. 11 mbmp3 file  
  3. Hottentot-1
  4. 9 mbmp3 file  
  5. Hottentot-2
  6. 11 mbmp3 file