10/14/2012 - Blue Lunar Quartet Rehearsal 16

Blue Lunar Quartet - Ben's Apartment on Trailwood

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As the winter months approach and people are busy with school, it's harder to assemble the band. But we do do it and we play and it is always fun. This session, Crater suggested we have a jam because we hadn't played together in a while, and that was a fantastic idea! The jam was long, complex, involved and sickeningly good. We also did some work on Manteca. Not as many recordings in this rehearsal, but it was productive nonetheless.

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Production Staff

Ben Smith - Engineer, Producer


  1. Jam
  2. 23 mbmp3 file  
  3. Manteca-1
  4. 7 mbmp3 file  
  5. Manteca-2
  6. 8 mbmp3 file  
  7. I Think I Wrote a Song
  8. 743 kbmp3 file  
  9. Peace
  10. 11 mbmp3 file  
  11. My Favorite Things
  12. 10 mbmp3 file