03/06/2018 - Gato Maestro Rehearsal for Pour House

Gato Maestro - Ben's House

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Just had been on a spiritual journey to the weeks leading up to this occasion, so we needed to brush up the material and make sure it was ready for the Pour House the evening following this one. It turns out it definitely *was* ready for prime time. We had a tiny little set of minor msitake and everything went quite well elsewise. The energy was intense. Shelly had gotten us BBQ so that probably helped. Meanwhile, the Zoom H2N did its classic move of passing out in the middle of our session, so you only get the first three tunes. Sorry, thats all we had.

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Production Staff

Ben Smith - Engineer, Producer


  1. 1-2-3
  2. 8 mbmp3 file  
  3. Wake Up
  4. 5 mbmp3 file  
  5. Whats Wrong
  6. 5 mbmp3 file