10/21/2023 - Gato Maestro @ Paul's Party

Gato Maestro - Paul Weisenfeld's House

In-page player not available. You can still download the files individually or as a ZIP file, however.

Paul had a boatload of people over to his house for his 50th birthday party. Gato was in attendance in and in full force. It was a VERY busy day. Gato's biggest crowd probably. The unfortunate result is that we only got two songs recorded. We forgot to start the recorder before we began playing and then it also ran out of batteries and died. There are a lot of videos from this event up on YouTube that are honestly a better way to experience it. We DID manage to grab our version of Sing a Song of Songs with Dave Finucane on that SD card though, and it's definitely worth a listen.

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Production Staff

Ben Smith - Engineer, Producer


  1. Stormy
  2. 15 mbmp3 file  
  3. Sing a Song of Songs
  4. 12 mbmp3 file